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首页 > 供应产品 > 石墨
产品: 浏览次数:760石墨 
原产地: 中国
固定碳含量: 80-99.9
单价: 1200.00元/千克
最小起订量: 500 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-28 03:38
原产地 中国
固定碳含量 80-99.9

Our company owns a graphite mine with the largest reserve in China so its graphite products are noted for property stability and consistence. In addition, the company exploits high-gra**tural graphite ores and conducts multi-stage grinding, multiple floatation selection, chemical and electro-chemical purification and ultra-micro pulverizing. Upon request, we produce graphite products with 80~99.9% carbon content and 0.5~500 micron size and satisfy customer’s special requirements in content of moisture, ash, above- and under-sieve and microelement as well as grain size distribution.

As a nonmetal mineral substance,graphite is of the following physical and chemical properties:high temperature resistances,oxidation resistance,erosion resistance,heat resistance,shake resistance,high strength ,high flexibility,high self-lubrication,high conductivity of heat and electricity.As an indispensable nonmetal raw material in current high technolohy industry,the graphite products manufactured by Tianhe are mainly applied to the following industries:metallurgy,machinery,electronics,battery,chemical industry,light industry,military industry,national defence,astronavigation,and fire resistance industry.

 high purity graphite,high carbon graphite,intermediate carbon graphite
particle size 0.5mm-1um,carbon content 80-**
 scale is thin,flexible and crystallized completely with excellent physical and chemical properties such as good temperature resistance,self-lubrication,conductibility,heat resistance,shake resistance,and erosion resistance.
 widely applied to high quality fire resistance material and coating of metallurgy industry,hot working material stabilizer of military industry,lead of light industry,carbon brush of electrical industry,electrode of battery industry,and catalyzer and additive of fertilizer industry.After further process,scale graphite can be made into the following high-tech products such as graphite colloidal graphite,graphite compacting material and composite material,graphite products,and graphite anti-friction additive,which are becoming important nonmetal mineral materials in every industry.

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